Sputum collection

Sputum collection involves gathering mucus from the lungs or respiratory tract to diagnose infections like tuberculosis or pneumonia and evaluate other lung conditions.


  • The preferred time of collection is in the morning prior to eating, drinking and smoking.
  • Sputum from lungs is required. Saliva (e.g. spit) from the mouth or throat is NOT suitable for testing.
  • If 3 specimens are required, specimens must be collected and delivered to the Collection Centre on each day of collection.

Materials we supply:

  • White Top Container (1or 3 as instructed)
  • Specimen Bag per sample

If at home, it may be useful to arrange pillows over the side of a bed and lie on them head downwards for about 10 minutes to drain the sputum from the lungs. The most adequate sample may be obtained early in the morning on rising.


  1. Label container number 1, (2 & 3 if required) with your full name, date of birth, date and time of collection, and test name.
  2. Rinse your mouth with water. For patients with dentures, please remove the dentures first.
  3. A deep cough is needed to produce sputum sample directly into the container.
  4. Place the lid on the container and tighten the lid firmly to prevent leakage. Avoid cross threading the lid.
  5. Specimen MUST be delivered to the Collelction Centre on day of collection. If there is a delay specimen should be refrigerated.
  6. If 3 specimens are required, please repeat steps 1-5 for the collection of samples 2 and 3. Ensure containers are marked 2 & 3 respectively on the lids.
  7. Please wash your hands after this procedure.

Sputum collection
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