Customized microbial data for healthcare

Antibiogram Reports are available annually to assist you to comply with items 3.2 and 3.14 of the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standard 3.

Your antibiogram report

The provided annual data showcases the resistance patterns exhibited by your organisms throughout the previous year. This information serves as a valuable tool for assessing and refining your empiric antibiotic guidelines.

To adhere to national and international guidelines, only the initial isolate of an organism obtained from each patient during the year contributes to calculating the percentage of susceptibility for each species. This practice prevents the overestimation of resistance rates.

Additionally, you will gain access to the raw data utilized in determining sensitivity percentages. These methods align with the recommendations set forth by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) and the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.

Data included

Your dedicated Antibiogram Report will include the following data:

  • Blood culture data – full antibiogram (top 10 organisms isolated for your institution)
  • Urine culture data – full antibiogram (top 5 organisms isolated for your institution)
  • Collated non-urine culture data – full antibiogram (top 10 isolated for your institution)
  • 15 specific organisms with full antibiogram data from your institution
  • Separate raw patient data provided (includes multiple isolates from the same patient)


We require your Medical Director or CEO to inform us that you require access to this annual report. We will create a secure user name and password for you to access the reports. Reports can be received by different recipients to the available ‘Infection Control Reports’.