Semen Analysis – Fertility

Special requirements:
  • Delayed examination may lead to invalid test results and a repeat test required.
  • The specimen must be delivered to the laboratory (within 45 mins), as it must be examined within 1 hour of collection – follow the link below for locations and hours of operation.
We supply you:
  • 1x White top Container.
Please follow these instructions:
  1. The specimen is to be collected between 2 and 7 days after your last ejaculation.
  2. DO NOT use condoms, artificial lubricants, talcs, etc., as these will interfere with the test results.
  3. Label the container with your surname and given name, date of birth, date and time of collection and test name.
  4. Collect the ENTIRE sample in the container provided by means of masturbation. Other methods, such as interruption of intercourse, are not suitable as there can be a loss of the first portion of the specimen. Place specimen into the specimen bag with the request form.
  5. DO NOT expose the container to extremes of temperature before or after specimen collection.
  6. During transport to the Laboratory, the sample should be kept between 20°c and 37°c. This is best achieved by keeping the sample next to your body during transport.
  7. Do not refrigerate specimen or allow the specimen temperature to rise above body temperature. Please Note: This test incurs an out of pocket expense. For details please ask your pathology collector
  8. Inform reception that you have an urgent time critical specimen.

Drop off location

Semen Analysis – Fertility