Faecal Occult Blood Collection

Test Requirements:

  • No specific dietary or medication restrictions necessary
  • Menstruating patients should delay specimen collection until bleeding has completely stopped.
  • Faeces samples must be collected for 3 consecutive days (or 3 different days) into a FOB special kit (green lid).
  • Each sample tube MUST be labelled with the date and time of collection.

We supply you:

  • Special kit -3 x FOB tubes (green lid)
  • A large, clean plastic container e.g. Ice cream container

Collection Instructions:

  1. Label tube No 1 with your full name, date of birth, date & time of collection, test name.
  2. Line a clean large plastic container with aluminium foil and place into the toilet bowl.
  3. Wash hands.
  4. Pass the faeces into the plastic container.
  5. Unscrew the “green sampler cap” of the collection tube, and place it where it can be easily reached, taking care not to spill the liquid.

  1. Insert the stick end of the green cap into the faeces at least 5 times, each time in a different place.

  1. Return the stick back into the container tube and screw the cap tightly closed. * Shake the tube to mix the specimen with the transport liquid.

  1. All 3 collected specimens can be stored at room temperature (15-30°C).
  2. The tubes (3) MUST be delivered to the Collection Centre as soon as the collection is completed. DO NOT deliver samples one by one.
  3. Repeat steps 1-9 for the collection of samples 2 and 3. Ensure tubes are marked 2 & 3 respectively.

Faecal Occult Blood Collection