Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABP)

Your Doctor has asked for the following test to be performed.

Test requirements:
  • The monitor must be worn for a 24 hour period to ensure an accurate study.
  • Whilst wearing the monitor you are not able to undertake the following: showering, bathing or water sports activities.
  1. To avoid incorrect results, you must relax and keep your arm still during a measurement until the cuff has completely deflated and the measurement has been taken.
  2. Avoid opening and closing the hand during the measurement and do not move the fingers.
  3. When the pressure in the cuff increases, you should: a. If standing: Let the arm hang loosely, place the hand in the trouser pocket or fingers in the waistband. b. If sitting: Rest the lower arm loosely on a table or other support.
  4. Ensure the hose from the Blood Pressure cuff does not become kinked.
  5. Before the pressure of the cuff is raised, a signal is given on each occasion throughout the day to warn you that a measurement is about to be taken.
  6. The “Event button” should be pressed at any time if you feel your blood pressure is raised.
  7. Press the “Day/Night” key, when going to bed at night and when getting up in the morning. The recorder will confirm the change with a signal.
  8. While sleeping, the unit must be placed on its side, so that the air tube cannot be kinked.
  9. Occasionally you may hear an audible beep from the monitor. This means that it was unable to take your blood pressure (usually arm movement). There is no cause for alarm; the monitor will retry to take your blood pressure again in about one minute.
  10. You must return to the Collection Centre to have the monitor removed as soon as the 24hrs have passed.
Paying for your BPM:
  • You will be bulk billed for your ABPM for those meeting the Medicare criteria.
  • If you are a Pensioner, Health Care Card holder or Non DVA Gold Card holder, please present your current card at the time of your service, as you are eligible for a discount.
  • DVA Gold Card holders are exempt.
Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring (ABP)